Although always helping folks with True Self True Path, to make our paper, to earn money to pay our bills, we help people with their credit and debt troubles, because both are extremely oppressive and are used to hold most folks down and back and keep them poor. Even in the making paper arena we are very lucky though, we have plenty of clients that pay very well for our services so we’re able to help most folks who can’t afford any help for free.

With over 20 plus years helping folks with their credit and debts, Rob is a Certified Paralegal and just uses a Specific Limited Power of Attorney with a simple Pay Agreement for most of the paid work when needed.

As noted in the About Page, Rob was the first to max the ASVAB in 1980, is honored to be a Senior Research Fellow with ISPE, and is also a member of Mensa International.

WE DO NOT LOAN OUR MONEY! Please do not ask…


1. Credit Repair. We will explain the real process to you. We can tell you why all the Credit Repair companies charge more than they should and don’t get the results they should. We can talk you through the real process to get you the best results as soon as possible or if you insist on paying, do it for you.

2. Debt Settlement. Another big company hustle where you can do it yourself yet they charge you an arm and a leg to do it for you, instead of a reasonable amount, just because they can. We can talk you through the process or if you insist on paying, do it for you.

3. Collections against you, any and all. Whether a creditor, collection company or anyone else, We can talk you through how to and handling them or if you insist on paying, deal directly with them for you.

4. Defaults, COJ’s, Judgments, etc… Especially crooked MCA’s (Merchant Cash Advances). Rob has been on the front lines policing these crooks in their unregulated industry for many years. We can talk you or your attorney through handling them and know all their dirty little secrets and how to get the best results against them. Or if you insist on paying, deal directly with them and or your attorney. Rob hires and manages attorneys across the country for many clients, and has only met one he did not have to educate about the unregulated Merchant Cash Advance Industry so they could handle them right.

5. Any and all other situations with credit or debts where Rob’s experience and expertise would help and that he would be able to do or manage to handle if he were you. As with all the other specifics above we will assess your situation and options, then talk you through any option you choose or wish, or if you insist on paying, do it for you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you think we can help or wish to see if Rob can help with any situation you may be dealing with. We’re here to help!

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