January 2020, Let’s Get This Party Started…

A wicked as it seems good day to each and all, and a rock star welcome to this beautiful new day, today, that oh, oh, oh is so here!

The days come and the days go, if we are lucky to survive them. With reckless disregard, the mighty and indifferent matter the noun universe does its thing, caring not of galaxies or solar systems or planets or life forms. Anything and everything comes and goes, has its time and then is gone, is then isn’t, everything. Heck most everything, each speck of matter the noun, has been lots of things, that’s the way it is. Energy can not be created or destroyed, and is everywhere in some form, fashion, or manner. Like one big piece made up of infinite other pieces. Of course any not the whole itself could just be delusional that they are even something at all for all we know, cause we are, or at least think, or think we think, lol, that we are a piece of the whole

Wow have we been busy! Sometimes just getting caught up for a few moments seems cause for celebration. With the transitioning of the web site and the getting away from Miami, lol, projects small and large already on the table, the universe threw another item into our juggling act. Our phone number had to be changed! Not pleasant to say the least. Funny how so much can change from not remembering or finding one account number or remembering one pin. Hahahahahahahahaha…

It took us several days just to make sure the number was changed everywhere it needed to be, but on the bright side, although we’re sure we left out a few, it was cray cray, because we were able to get rid of tons of old numbers and contacts that we didn’t need to have, and we figure anyone who should have gotten the new number who didn’t surely knows to find us through the web site anyway. Güldies has been around since about 1994 or so, first the restaurant, and then everything else we’ve gone on to do with the name since then over the years. It just sort of became the umbrella name that we used for everything, which is kinda funny as well.

Anyways, now that we think we have the web site right we figured we should try to post just to see if we could. We’re funny that way! WordPress org is different from wordpress.com but similar enough that we should be able to adjust once we settle in and get some practice with it. We’ll see…

We’ve tons on our plate, but the Credit Repair is already started and seems to be off to a good start and everything else is flowing the norm, with an emergency here or there of course, it’s what we get paid for, but most of the time the flow is manageable. Although we are seeing our bluetooth need charging more during the day here and there, from non stop phone calls sometimes, and we’ve had a few Saturdays and Sundays that went long hours like regular Monday through Friday business days. That’s also because we get calls from both coasts regardless where we are, and the three hour time difference has a tendency to work against us one way or the other no matter which coast we’re on. lol

But enough rambling, we’ve no time for more than a test post, and needed to cross it off our to do list. Hahahahahahaha…


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