February 2019 Comes and Goes… The Fun, The Fun, The fun…

A where do we go now, where do we go now, good day, to each and all, and a very warm welcome to this beautiful new day, today, that we have found before us.

Time flies when you are busy, time flies when you are having fun, and it flies even faster as you get older, so we’re triple dipping there and pretty sure that is what has happened with February 2019.   We saw it coming, had tons to do, have been busy, busy, busy, and now it’s about gone, with March here before the weekend.  No worse for wear and tear, we’d say it has been an awesome month!

The Craigslist ads have been phenomenal, and few days go by without emails, texts, or calls from more business owners seeking our help.  Now that we have plenty of clients again we’ve changed our strategy just a bit.  We help as many as we can for free, especially the smaller businesses with less revenue, and only take on as clients the larger businesses and those that insist.  We’ve got a pretty good gig going right now!

At $5 per ad, we posted five (5) ads per day in the Financial Sections every business day during January and now just re post them when the thirty (30) days expires.  It costs us $25 per day, $125 per week, and only $500 for the entire month.  That’s a pretty good marketing budget, especially since the first client we took on from the ads more than covers the monthly marketing budget with just their weekly payment.

In the last month alone we have helped businesses around the country, large ones and small ones, with big troubles and small troubles, and truly love what we do!

A food processing plant, multiple restaurants, various sized trucking companies, a lounge, an equipment rental company, a tech company, a dance studio, a logging company, a nursery, a mechanic’s shop, the fun, the fun, the fun, to name a few.

Some times it is short and sweet, just a phone call or two, an email or two, and sometimes it is back and forth with questions or things they wish us to look over.  Some times they ask for our POA and Agreement docs but never send them back.  Some times they get the docs notarized and send them back but then don’t pay and we never hear from them again.  We don’t care!  As long as we have enough paying clients to make our paper, we really don’t care, we’re here to help…

The ads say we help with financial troubles, we were looking to help with MCA’s, bad loans, when folks can’t pay the bills, but they contact us for all kinds of things and we don’t mind.  We’re here to help!

Of course there are always a few that still try to take advantage of our helping, but we do the best we can.  We don’t mind a conference call with their partner, associates, or attorney(s) and a follow up with them but after that they should be paying us to continue and we let them know.  We don’t mind putting together a letter or email for them to copy and paste but we’re not sending letters from us or making calls to others for them without a POA, an Agreement to be paid for acting upon the POA, and the money in our bank or hand.  Our system is set, if paid Friday we will act upon the POA the following week!  We finally learned to stop helping anyone and everyone for free or letting them owe us.  We never get paid because we don’t chase down the money and they know we don’t care about money.  We couldn’t count just the money owed to us over the years for paralegal work we did for folks, even attorneys, so we like not having to deal with any of that anymore.  You pay us Friday, money in the bank or cash in hand, and we’ll act upon the POA the following week, and the rest, we help as many as we can for free!

We’re still, for just cause, here in the North West, and contained in hotel rooms due to the weather.  The RV is not thrilled but still loves us, and we start it up regularly and even spend some time here and there in it working from our lap top.  Fortunately, Spring is right around the corner, so we’ll be done with the hotel rooms soon enough.  Weather, it may be what’s outside but location, location, location sure matters!

Our mother is well, still in Florida, and ready to head back to Maine in the coming Spring.  She never liked Florida and says when they go back to Maine this time they are not going back to Florida.  She enjoys people and always attracts nice people wherever she goes, but everyone she has known for most of her life is in Maine and with the grandchildren old enough to have children and their own families she has even more family she is close to and would rather be around.  Her health is awesome, even for her age, she’ll be 77 this year, and she brags of almost needing reading glasses finally.  Almost!

Our son is still in Colorado, and still being a kid, but he’s just turning 19 this March so is doing well.  He’s making great money but spending it as fast as he makes it, and we can only hope he learns better before it is too late.  We stay in close contact and he does listen and ask for our input on stuff, but at that age, as long as he is alive, not in trouble, and working, we couldn’t ask for more so good for him.

Us, we’re always well, as usual, and until otherwise don’t know what else to be, but we have to get back at it, we’ve things to do that must get done, and few things do that by themselves, get done!



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