May… On The Road Again…

An on the road again good day to each and all and everything, and a very warm, warm welcome to this beautiful new day, today, we have before us.

Spring came and we were back on the road the first or so of May.  Fortunately, Petra is so busy with all of her awesomeness she had no time for the oasis, otherwise it would have been much harder to head off.  We’ll head back for a month or so when fall comes and her load lightens, if she wants us to we’d love to, but we’ve plenty to do until then.

We spent almost two weeks visiting with our son in Colorado first, 1,200 miles from Spokane, and he is doing well and his journeyman’s apprenticeship is coming along well.  He isn’t the new guy anymore and is learning everything he can, so good for him.  He’s got a great head start for a year out of high school, and we’re very happy for him, he’s doing great, and we hope he continues eyes front, alert and aware, and he’ll be fine.

While visiting with our son we gave the RV some love and put her in the shop.  Tune up, valve job, and topped it off with a new exhaust from the engine back.  She is running her best ever!  Then, while visiting our son, Rick and Cheryl called and were enroute to Yellowstone and asked if we were still able to meet them.  We of course could not say no, they are like our parents even though only 10 years older than us, so we backtracked about 500 miles and met them at Rock Point in Wyoming and had a wonderful visit with them, as always.  They are doing well, and we love them dearly.

The fun, the fun, the fun, all we have is fun…  lol

Now…  after all that, we’re in Kansas, and headed for Alabama.

We thought we might be able to head to NH so we could get a new inspection sticker the first week of June and then head south but we have a client in Mobile that has mediation coming up for a court case and even though he has a good attorney he is more sure of us and would like us to be there for it, so we have to take it for the compliment it is and get there for him.  We’re waiting for the actual date so will slow roll towards Alabama in the mean time.


We called Shirl, Mom, of course on Mother’s Day but had to leave her a message each time.  She called back early the next morning and we spoke.  She said she snuck out to call me while George was in the shower.  She is too funny! lol

Business is good, and we non stop get emails, texts, and calls from folks trying to keep their businesses from closing or who are in some sort of trouble with money.  Fortunately, some of them can pay us!  lol

More and more the amount of money they are in trouble for gets less and less and the circumstances worse and worse.  Last week most of our new contacts were folks, business owners, with less than 10k of serious money troubles.  How can we charge them?  We calm them down and explain that wherever they are is just the next position from which to move forward from and that everything is just a process.  We assess their situation and give them their options and then explain each option forward should they choose it, but then usually they come back several times later, some lots, even their attorneys, lol, but we understand, and keep helping them as best we can without doing it for them by acting on a power of attorney.  The clients that come to us with 6 and 7 digit money troubles, those are the ones that can afford to pay us the thousand a week tops or 100 per week bottom for us to act upon a limited power of attorney and handle their situation for them directly, hands on, including working with their attorney if they already have one or even interviewing attorneys for them if one is needed, and then of course directing their attorneys regardless.  lol  As long as we have enough of those clients we’ll keep helping as many as we can for free, and fortunately enough of those folks seem to so far be able to find us.  lol  We help any and all we can, regardless of whether they can pay us or not, we know that’s the way we’re supposed to be.  That, and of course the reward for doing good is doing good and putting out good energy, and none of us can ever put out enough of that.  lol  So we are truly very blessed right now to be able to help so many folks!  🙂

Once we’re there for mediation in Mobile we’ll have to run back to Nh from there for the new inspection sticker by the end of June for the RV, but then we have to head back south, we have to hire an attorney in Florida for a client, to file a lawsuit against his previous attorney, who really did him wrong and could get disbarred.  Hopefully we can spend a bit of time in Virginia Beach for the Edgar Cayce Institute, and a couple of other stops along the way south that we’d like to check out.  Perhaps a slow roll Route 1 down the east coast if we’re lucky enough, we’ll see.

It was a bit strange getting back on the road after sitting for 6 months in Spokane.  You question everything more again!  lol  Everything seems lots more dangerous again on the road, like the first time.  It takes a while to settle back in.  Heck, we’re still putting things away and getting organized and such in the RV again.  lol  We’re almost there though, and just have one duffle bag of stuff, most of which goes in a drawer or a cabinet somewhere.

Of course a benefit of everything being new again are the views!  Nature is always amazing! We did manage to take more pictures than usual, at Petra’s request of course,  lol  So far, since leaving Spokane we’ve put about 2,500 miles on the tires, but again, about a thousand of that was backtracking for good cause, Rick and Cheryl.  lol

So, it’s a beautiful day here in western Kansas, and we are going to sit here at Walmark, as Ed calls it, lol, all day and get some work done and catch up on some things. maybe even some more of taking things out of the duffel bag and putting them somewhere.  Maybe! lol

We’re back on the road…


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